Food Manufacturer (name withheld)

Group of young business people working in the office

The Problem:

A large food manufacturer (name withheld due to NDA) acquired several co- manufacturing plants. They could not co mingle data from other manufacturers for their batch tracking. They require a 2 hour window to execute a recall should it occur as well. An SAP solution required 70 licenses which was cost prohibitive. Internal teams were backlogged and unable to complete the development. A batch simplified batch tracking solution was needed.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution that not only tracked batches to the level of detail required but provided reports in minutes rather than hours. The solution was cloud based to allow for future growth, ease of use, and cost effective execution. CAN was allowed to retain the IP for this project on the basis that the food company was the first customer. The subscription based software fits the needs of small to mid sized manufacturing companies who don’t have the capital to spend on enterprise level solutions.


The Results:

  • Final solution was 2% of the enterprise level solution cost in year 1.
  • The same solution has resulted in a spin off for an up and comingindustry.
  • Data can be ported into the legacy system by the parent company.
  • Multi language support allows for use in other facilities outside the US.

Omaha Public Power District (OPPD)

The Problem:

Omaha Public Power District (OPPD), a regional power company found a need to generate more income after a major infrastructure updates. They began selling different add-on services to their customer base. OPPD quickly realized they needed to find a more targeted approach to selling these services. Their customer service team fielded calls all day and didn’t have a clear direction on what to try and sell either.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution that sorted the customers into profiles based on the information available. From there the model was able to predict the likelihood of a customer purchasing a particular service. When that customer called in it prompted the customer service rep “ask them about XYZ”. If the response was favorable they were transferred to a salesperson. The same personas allowed them to market to a narrower segment of customers with high probability of purchase.


The Results:

  • Customers adopted new products and services without being overwhelmed.
  • Marketing ROI was significantly improved as they avoid low traction consumers.
  • Additional products have been identified and added to the matrix.
  • Customer service satisfaction ratings are up and conversions have also increased.

Visiting Nurses Association – Nebraska

business team with papers at office

The Problem:

Visiting Nurses Association, a non profit home health provider was having an issue with people being readmitted to the hospital. Their funding was contingent on these people being treated and not being readmitted to the hospital from which they came. An all encompassing policy of longer care wasn’t a viable option. Something was needed to identify who was more likely to readmit and who was a non-issue.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution that looked at historical data of patients who had been readmitted previously. Similarities surfaced and the model was able to highlight indicators of re-admittance. As care was being provided and documented the system scrubbed for these indicators. As a patient neared the end of their scheduled care they were scored for possible re- admittance. Patients who scored high were given additional care and screening.

The Results:

  • Patients are not being re-admitted as often as they once were.
  • Referring doctors are more likely to recommend their services with lower re-admittance.
  • Losses on patients who re-admit are down significantly which helps with grants and donations for the non-profit.
  • Clinicians are able to render a higher level of care with higher success rates.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska

Software engineers working on project and programming in company

The Problem:

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska, a health insurance provider was having a problem with attribution of claims to policy holders. With federal regulations an incorrect correlation would cost them tens of thousands of dollars. The backlog of unmatched information exceeded 2 years. During that time the claims were going unpaid and doctors were leaving the plan.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution that looked for matching data points. As the system eliminated obvious matches it continued to connect data points until it paired down the data to a few unknowns. The results were then reviewed by a person to verify or disqualify the results that were inconclusive. Once implemented the system runs in real time and the anomalies are reviewed as part of a regular routine.


The Results:

  • The backlog has gone from 2 years to a few hours of manual review each month.
  • The system has had a 99% success rate in attribution.
  • The insurance provider was able to reduce losses from unattributed claims.
  • Staff is now able to focus on additional areas of their business rather than dedication to a single project.


Kiewit Construction – 2

Technology software business office programming people concept

The Problem:

Kiewit Construction, a large construction company, had a project management nightmare. Field reports were collected and then dispersed to executives for them to interpret manually. Identifying a project in trouble was near impossible. The goals shifted from making a profit to stopping a loss. A solution that could digest hundreds of pages of data points and bring to light any problems was needed urgently.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution that pulled from the various data sources and presented a clarified version. The input from executives and project managers allowed a predictive model to estimate profit or loss based on data indicators. The resulting dashboard allows executives to drill down on a project when warranted. At the same time the data was now on demand, rather than at the end of the month.


The Results:

  • Executives are better equipped to handle issues brought to them by project managers.
  • Problems are identified before they cause irreparable damage to the project.
  • Projects can use less experienced staff as they can intercede and train as needed.
  • Projects are able to come in on time and under budget more frequently with less waste, leading to greater profitability.

Kiewit Construction

The Problem:

Kiewit Construction, a large construction company, had multiple methods of choosing what bids and RFP’s to pursue. They had a divide between experienced and inexperienced estimators. The company was facing increasingly more rigid constraints on projects that ran over estimated time frames. A need to have a systematic approach to what used to be intuition and experience.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a solution based on previous bid outcomes, bid characteristics, and competing bids. Models were built to suit different markets of operation; Building, Oil & Gas, Chemical, Power, Transportation, Heavy Civil, and Water/Wastewater projects. The system gave every estimator a “stoplight” style score and enabled them to enter the process with more certainty than ever before.


The Results:

  • The company saves $1.1 million per year by not pursing projects <10% probability of winning.
  • ROI increases as they focus on work on only the more profitable projects.
  • Generation of new RFP strategies based on competitors being maxed outon bonding capacity.
  • Eliminated “hunch” feelings or distraction from the RFP process

Bellevue University

The Problem:

Bellevue University, an online University, placed in the Top 10 for engagement. The University was flooded with information requests from students interested in enrolling. The staff was overwhelmed with prospects and unable to build relationships with potential students. The University needed a methodology for their recruiters to sort through a tsunami of requests.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a system that sorted requests into 3 categories. Prospects were placed into categories based on demographic information provided at the time of request. The system identified students who needed extra attention to enroll, others who needed little to no attention. The solution also disqualified requests from people who were not likely to enroll at all.


The Results:

  • The solution proved to be 84% accurate.
  • Full integration into their CRM system to generate tasks.
  • Increased closing ratio by shifting focus to prospects who needed attention.
  • Greater engagement with advisors and potential students.
  • Increased enrollment with less wasted effort.

Mutual First Federal

The Problem:

Mutual First Federal, a 12,000 member credit union, was seeing a stagnation in sales. After some investigation it was found their sales system, built in the 90’s was reactive only. The credit union was losing customers to other institutions with products they offered, but never presented to members. They needed a solution that could help them cross-sell, up-sell, and resell members while attracting new accounts.

The Solution:

Contemporary Analysis (CAN) built a system that ranked members based on likelihood of need based on life changes. The system gave the sales team high traction leads for Auto Loans, 2nd Mortgage, and members that were about to churn. The solution allowed all members of the team to access the data for timely opportunities. The loan officers were able to target and pursue prospects who were in the market for a solution.

The Results:

  • Upward trend in sales after 3 months across the board.
  • Reduced churn of members leaving the credit union.
  • Revamping of marketing materials for greater impact with targeted members.
  • Additional models for; Profitability, CD Sales, Christmas Accounts, and Checking .
  • Greater employee engagement with higher levels of success and greater commission payouts.
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