Contemporary Analysis: Testimonial from Universal Information Services

Universal Information Services enlisted the services of CAN to improve the measurable impact of our Google Adwords campaign and drive more relevant prospects to our website. Their approach seemed to accomplish our goal, but used a methodology that made the process both cost effective and easy for us to understand from a non-technical perspective.

Ultimately, nearly every measurable metric from Google indicated a sizeable increase. Most importantly to us was that our ad placement greatly improved from either not showing at all or being near the bottom, to ranking between 3rd and 5th in nearly every ad we had running.
Contemporary Analysis used an approach where they gathered baseline data on what we had been doing on our own, then suggested and implemented some changes. This initial change was tracked for 30 days, evaluated, and then modified again to further extend our benefits. We underwent three rounds of this track, modify, and measure process. Our final report proves out that the Contemporary Analysis model worked for improving our Adwords performance and has increased the number of relevant leads we receive from our website.
I am confident we will again use Contemporary Analysis to continue pushing the success of our Google Adwords campaign as well as optimize our website to reinforce this campaign.

Todd Murphy
Vice President

Why I Blog for Customers Instead of Fans

I stopped blogging in November 2010 after almost a year of daily updates because I realized that, while people were reading my materials, my clients weren’t.  I realized then that I needed to change the focus of my writing.  Previously I had been writing about what I found interesting and focused on the number of people reading my blog.  As a result, this actually had a negative impact on my brand because I was spending my time blogging instead of helping my clients achieve their goals.  While I still think blogging is important, my focus has shifted to helping clients meet their Sales, Marketing, Retention, Management and Planning goals rather than on the number of visits per day.
My change in focus has changed how I select content for my blog, how I promote it, and what metrics I use to measure success. I now focus on blogging about conversations that I have with customers, because if one customers values a specific conversation it is likely that other customers will find the post valuable.  (This post is actually the result of a conversation with a customer.) Instead of promoting my posts for mass consumption, I now recommend posts to specific people that will find them valuable and encourage them to engage in the conversation.  My metric for success is no longer the number of visits to my site or read times, but instead how many people tell me that the content on my blog has helped them with their business.
In the spirit of blogging for customers instead of fans, what specifically would you like me to research and write on?

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