Why Corporate Hierarchy is Important

CAN has experienced a lot of growth over the last 4 years. From 2010 to 2011 we experienced 508% growth, and in 2012, while we were focused on improving our infrastructure, strategies and processes, revenue still grew 166%. This growth has required a lot of changes. All of our employees have had to grow as leaders, technicians and businesspeople. And our culture, processes and systems have had to mature. I wanted to make sure that CAN is prepared for more growth in 2013.
To prepare I spent 2012 asking, “What do I need to know to grow my company from less than 10 employees to 50 employees?” The question was less about the number of employees and more about how to grow from a startup to an established company.
I knew that a company with 4 employees was different than a company with 50 employees, but I wasn’t sure about the details. Books, conferences, podcasts, associations, coaches exist for people trying to start a company or run an established company. Unfortunately, I struggled to find resources about how to go from a startup to an established firm. (more…)

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