Why We Outsource

Companies tend to outsource things that they don’t consider important or a competitive advantage.  Contemporary Analysis takes a different approach to outsourcing. We develop close partnerships with great firms, and use outsourcing as a way to develop competitive advantages, streamline their management structure, and create an environment of innovation.  This is important because of how companies are structured at their core.  The book, Innovator’s Solution explains that:
“Rarely does an idea for a new-growth business emerge fullyformed from an innovative employee’s head.  No matter how well articulated a concept or insight might be, it must be shaped and modified, often significantly, as it gets fleshed out into a business plan that can win funding from the corporation…Midlevel managers play a crucial role in every company’s innovation process.  They decide which of the ideas that come bubbling in they will support and carry to upper management for approval, and which ideas they will simply allow to languish.” (more…)

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