Refocusing Business Intelligence on Client Needs not Wants

When my partner, Tadd Wood, and I started Contemporary Analysis we decided that we were going to focus on developing a great final product, instead of focusing offering our products at a low cost or focusing great customer service. Not that our prices or our customer services is lacking, but that they are not our focus. We did this because I learned from owning previous businesses that people care about price before they sign the contract, they care about customer service when the product is being delivered, but once the final product is delivered all they care about is the quality of deliverable.
We identified three key principals that we use when building our final deliverables:

  1. We focus on providing answers to our clients most important business questions.
  2. Our methodology is designed to provide reliable answers to real businesses.
  3. We provide answers to our clients’ questions so that they get immediate tasks to improve their business in addition to greater understanding.

The core of these principals is to focus on our clients needs and not their wants.  This has been really difficult because what our clients need is answers to their business questions. While it is easy to get distracted by flashy tools, cool visualization and interactive interfaces, at the end of the day our client’s just want answers to their business questions. This is why we decided to refocus business intelligence as presented in the business industry.

How to Build an Analytical Culture

CAN was started in 2008, to make predictive analytics applicable and accessible to businesses of almost any size.  To fulfill our mission we have become experts in helping our clients adopt predictive analytics.  The first step in adopting predictive analytics is to start building an analytical culture.  In an analytical culture, people:
Know the Numbers: Everyone should know what is happening and whether certain strategies were successful.  The objective of knowing the numbers is not to judge individuals or the team, but learn from the past and refine future attempts at innovation.
Examine the Numbers: In order to effectively discuss and examine the numbers, team members should be familiar with the numbers, their assumptions, and their application.
Use the Numbers: The ultimate goal of adopting predictive analytics is to make better decisions.  This is the hardest and most complex phase of becoming analytical.  However, when achieved, this stage provides the highest Return on Investment (ROI).  It requires participating members to understand factors driving the numbers, historical paradigm shifts, and the assumptions used to make decisions.  Once the factors and assumptions are understood, they can be utilized properly to optimize processes and predict outcomes of specific decisions.  
The Analytical Portal
The key to building an analytical culture is to make analytics easy to use, understand, and accessible.  The easiest way to do this is to develop an analytical portal.  The purpose of the analytical portal is to allow everyone in your organization to know, examine, and use the numbers without having to contact the accounting and information technology departments every time a report or numbers are needed.  Your analytical portal should allow people to have access to 5 business intelligence tools:
Dashboards will be used to quickly and easily report key metrics.  The key to building successful dashboards is to choose the correct metrics and provide quick and easy access.  Dashboards as well as scorecards will allow team members to see the big picture and drill down into finer details on a need to know basis.  Dashboards differ from slicing & dicing data in that dashboards are predetermined visualizations of key metrics that are the same across individuals and time.
Detailed Reports are to be read before using analytics to make decisions.  These are designed to ensure that statistics, equations, metrics and other reports analytics are fully understood.  This will ensure that recommendations are properly implemented.
Slicing & Dicing Data allows your employees to ask questions about the data and get quick responses.  People should be able to quickly pull any data that they want from a variety of data sources such as the census, economic data, news sources via text mining, social media, surveys, and internal databases.
Predictive Analytics allows your employees to understand the relationship between outcomes and the variables that drive them.  The results of predictive analytics can be used to simulate the outcome of specific decisions and create strategies to maximize outcomes.
Alerts & Notifications are the watchdogs of analytics.  They provide a dependable and timely way to bring awareness to team members about important events, but are not distracted by smaller, less significant changes.  If properly implemented, managers will spend less time monitoring employees and more time addressing key issues.  Alerts & Notifications can be sent via email, dashboard widget or text message.

The Problem with the European Union & Greece with 3 Possible Outcomes

When the European Union was first incepted, the vision was that creating a common currency would reinvigorate the economic competitiveness that was once present in Europe. However, in practice, it has led to a disaster.
The problem is that theory rarely reflects reality. In theory, the European Union (EU) should have helped lagging countries such as Greece by giving them a stronger currency and a more accessible investment pool. Unfortunately, the European Union did both of these things.
Although this sounds like a conflicting statement, there are two important issues that should be addressed. First, before the EU, Greece’s currency had historically been depreciating. Deprecation is when a currency loses purchasing power. Deflation can be economically disastrous because it makes purchasing products from other countries relatively expensive, and it makes it hard to pay back debit because your money is worth less than when you took out the loan, and the increase risk increases interest rates making paying off debit even more difficult. The positive thing about depreciation is that countries exports will be relatively inexpensive.
After being allowed to join the EU, Greece had access a stronger currency and lower interest rates to help finance their expenditures. However, it was much more difficult to finance their expenditures relative to their neighbors in the north because they hadn’t historically been as economically stable. As a result, many of the countries in EU, including Germany, became their creditors.
Second, despite the EU’s goal of creating a stronger, more unified central economy, it continued to allow individual countries to manage their own finances. This meant that while the risk was spread across multiple countries it also spread the risk, without enforcing regulations to prevent individual countries from being fiscally irresponsible. This meant the EU allowed fiscally irresponsible countries such as Greece to readily gain access to funds from the fiscally responsible countries such as German, while not providing significant measures to control the risk and/or compensate Germany fairly for the risk.
Generally, political power is dependent on three factors: the size or production capacity of the economy (GDP), trading network, and macroeconomic stability. In Europe, it is safe to assume that Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, wields most of power and political influence. Currently, Germany has the 4th largest GDP in the world and the highest in Europe. Germany is also the world’s second largest exporter. Furthermore, according to the Global Competitiveness Report for 2009-2010, Germany was ranked 30th in macroeconomic stability and 1st in infrastructure. Since 2005, Merkel’s leadership and influence has led her to become not only one of the most powerful individuals in Europe, but quite possibly the most powerful woman in the world as well. However, this charge does not come easy. If something is to be done in Europe, she will need to be the one leading the way. This is why she has been under fire for the recent events with Greece’s collapse unfolding. In short, she is dealing with two conflicting sides. One side, primarily the Germans, are frustrated with countries like Greece and don’t believe they deserve a bailout. On the other side, other foreign leaders and economists are stressing that if a bailout does not occur, there will be a ‘domino effect’ collapsing many other countries in Europe. Coincidentally, Europe is faced with a similar dilemma that occurred nearly two years ago in the United States. What is the lesson learned? Her decision must be rational, but a hasty one as well. Unfortunately, she has already been accused of waffling rather than making a concrete decision in recent news.
The Future of the European Union: 3 Possible Scenarios
I see three possible scenarios for the future of the European Union (EU):

  1. The EU dissolves as a result from uprisings and frustrations from fiscally sound countries,
  2. The EU is readjusted and fiscally complacent countries are removed (i.e. Spain, Greece, Portugal, etc.),
  3. The EU collectively decides to form a central agency with limited direct control over each countries central banks to ensure future stability.

The first possibility is a possibility but least likely, because it will ultimately depend on the gumption of Europe’s leaders, including Germany’s Prime Minister, Angela Merkel.  The second scenario seems most likely because the European Union’s policies already include requirements and statutes that limit those who can join. However, the challenge again will be whether there is leadership to enforce such policies.  The third seems to be the most progressive, least autonomous, and therefore the least likely. As Steve Forbes said in Forbes Magazine, “It’s astonishing that a continent having such deep cultural traditions and a well-educated population should be pygmies when it comes to innovation.” Although this solution draws upon many of the principles of our financial system in the United States, it’s still highly unlikely that leaders will be wiling to set aside their country’s autonomy for increased regulations. Consequently, their predicament is fairly paradoxical.

A Better Way to Calculate Return on Investment (ROI)

Estimating return on investment (ROI) can be a very effective sales tool, however it is difficult to calculate and if a prospect perceives it as a guarantee it can hurt your brand.  The problems with ROI stem from trying to reduce, without much investment in time or money, the impact of a product on a business, a complex human organization in constant flux, to a dollar amount that is unique to each prospective client.
The solution is to expand people’s thinking of ROI beyond money to include stress, customer service, employee engagement, communication, quality and happiness in your definition.  To make a purchase decision using ROI, you do not need to estimate the exact profit that it will generate, but instead determine if it will improve your business more than other available investments.
One of the best ways that I have discovered to expand people’s thinking about ROI is to use a mental case study where you ask your prospective client to image that they have two identical clones of their business, and one of the clones uses my product and the other does not.  I then ask them what differences their are between the two clones as the develop over time.  As I guide them through the simulation most of my prospects start to visualize how my products help impact their companies, sales cycle, marketing, customer service, management and strategic planning.  If a client is not able to visualize themselves having significant benefits from my product I know not to sell my product to them because either they don’t have a need or they are not willing to invest the time to generate a significant return on their investment.

Why Predictive Analytics is Important

CAN was started in 2008 , to make predictive analytics applicable and accessible to businesses of almost any size.  We are working diligently because predictive analytics has the unique potential to allow executives to scale their decision making as organizations and decisions become increasingly more complex with ever thinner margins for error.  For example small businesses are now having to compete around the world as if they were multinational companies, and multinational companies are having to develop and deliver products and services to ever more fragmented consumers as if they were small businesses.
Introduction to Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is different than other Business Intelligence tools because it goes beyond visualizing data and human assumptions, instead it combines data, theory and math to make forecasts about the future using current and historical facts.  While executives and decision makers also analyze current and historical facts to make forecasts about the future, what separates executives from predictive mathematics is predictive analytics ability to find detailed relationships from hundreds of possible variables and millions of observations, and also produce an estimate of the error of the prediction.  Predictive analytics is able to tell you that a independent variables, e.g. males, has a .3% impact on a dependent variable with 95% confidence.  While executives and managers still have to make the final decisions, predictive mathematics can provide insight that isn’t possible with other business intelligence technologies.
A Brief History of Predictive Analytics
It wasn’t until the middle part of the last decade that we had the combination of mathematical techniques, data storage capacity, data processing power and data creation that we need to make predictive analytics accessible to businesses of all sizes.  The mathematical techniques have existed and improved since the founding of the Econometric Society in 1930.  The data storage capacity has been around since 1977 with Oracle’s commercialization of the relational database.  The processing power has existed since IBM commercialized business computing with the IBM 360.  SaaS and Social Media provided the final requirement, data creation.  Both of these technologies have made is common and inexpensive for people to quickly and easily collect and publish information about their lives and jobs.
The Limitation of Predictive Analytics
Predictive analytics is not without flaws and if people become over reliant or trusting of predictive models you can have disasters such as the subprime mortgage crisis.  To avoid hubris and ensure that our customers can trust our models, CAN has developed the philosophy of Less Wrong and the CAN Three-Way Test.
The philosophy of Less Wrong is that the goal of every model that we produce is to make our clients less wrong than they were, but not to assume that we will ever make our clients 100 percent right.  In business their are often clear winners with clear metrics such as profit keeping score.  However, no business is ever perfect, the winners are only Less Wrong than their competitors.  Also, business success and failure is only temporary.  The ability to help companies continually become less wrong is what attracted CAN to predictive analytics.  By combining data, theory and mathematics CAN helps develop predictive models to help our clients make decisions that are Less Wrong.
Our philosophy of Less Wrong has allowed us to develop business model that allows us to quickly and inexpensively provide results to our clients.  Similar to Software as a Service (SaaS) we provide Analytics as a Service on month-to-month contracts, and we use our ongoing relationships to continually help our clients becomes Less Wrong.  While we provide our clients with results within the first 30 days, we are continually improving and adapting our systems to an ever changing business environment.
While the philosophy of Less Wrong helps to establish reasonable goals and allow room for continual improvement, our models provide the foundation of our client’s business, and so we work hard to make sure that our models reflect reality so that they generate reasonable predictions.  One of the best ways that we do this is the CAN Three-way test.  The CAN Three-way test requires that each model we produce can be backed up with theory, data and math.

  1. The Theory: Without a sound theory, you have to rely on randomness, and randomness decreases the long-term usefulness of the model.  CAN relies on the expertise of our clients executives, managers and employees to build the theories around our models.
  2. The Data: CAN makes sure to fully understand your data, because data is the raw materials used to build predictive models.  CAN will examine patterns in your data to determine which equations to use to model your data, and also determine the quality of your data.  CAN is able work with imperfect data, we just make sure that we understand the flaws and limitations of your data, such as potential bias etc.
  3. The Math: CAN’s analysts go through hundreds of different models to select the right one that fits the data as well as the theory.  This doesn’t mean that we always select the equation that has the best line fit, but instead the equation that fits both the data and the theory.

Insurance Client Stories-Contemporary Analysis

CAN has been fortunate to help a number of Life and Health Insurance companies work smart.  It has been a great relationship because clients from Life and Health Insurance companies understand what we do as they are experts in using mathematics to forecast human behavior on a biological side, and CAN is an expert in applying predictive analytics to forecast human behavior on a marketing and sales side.  Our customers invest in developing new products, and we use math to make sure they can distribute them most effectively.  The following are some of the solutions we have developed:
Marketing ROI with Terrain: Our clients wanted to know the ROI of their marketing campaigns, but had been struggling to develop a system that was able to determine the impact that their marketing was having on sales.  We agreed that it would be too difficult to explain the impact that a company’s marketing was having and instead we used CAN’s Terrain system to explain the impact that the economy and seasonal fluctuations had on sales.  With every predictive model their is a residual x-factor that can not be explained in detail.  So instead of including the economy, a major driver of purchasing decisions, in the X-factor, we included the company’s marketing in the X-factor.  While they did not exactly accomplish their goal of measuring the ROI of their marketing activity, we were able to explain how economics and seasonality impacted sales and the residual could be attributed to marketing, competitors and other factors.  Now our clients can get a reasonable idea if marketing is impacting sales.
Client Management: Using Pulse, CAN helped our clients understand and improve their client portfolio by modeling the factors of client profitability, loyalty and claim activity.  Each week we provide our client with a list of the clients that are at risk of leaving within the next 90 days, and a list of sales leads that have a high probability of being profitable and loyal clients.  Each month we provide them with a report on their client portfolio relative to the population and their goals.

Sales Management: Using Beacon, CAN has worked to connect agents and brokerages to our clients home offices.  Beacon has been used to focus the development of leads and marketing materials to best serve the needs of agents and brokerages.  Beacon also has been used to improve communications with training, regulations and promotions between home offices and agents by segmenting agents by learning styles and providing communication guidelines to our clients.

Scaling 1 to 1

As a  business owner and salesperson I require time to myself to think, rest and connect with people, however their are always others that want my attention.  I have had to resort to locking myself in my office and forcing myself to focus at the expense of the world around me.  However this alienates people and can be very lonely.  The following is a list of my ideas about how to scale 1 to 1.  I decided to put my ideas into a blog post because I want to share my ideas about how to scale 1 to 1.

A Chauffeur to the Virtual World: It is important that you and your employees are always carrying business cards because they are the easiest way to chauffeur realtime face to face interactions to non-time sensitive virtual interactions.  This allows you to spread out interactions so that you eliminate bottlenecks.  It is important to ask for the other person’s business card to make sure they know that you actually want to connect.  Explain that as much as you want to jump into the relationship right now, you want to reconnect at a later time so that you can give your full attention.

Transition Meetings: In order to scale 1 to 1 it is essential to move interactions from the physical to virtual. I resisted moving my meetings from physical to virtual.  However, over the last year I have moved almost all of my meeting to the virtual world.  I was sick of spending hours driving back and forth, and showing up late to meetings because of traffic, exhaustion and bad planning.  The key to moving meeting to the virtual world is to properly set up your virtual meeting room.  At first my virtual meetings felt awkward and where full of technical difficulties, and thus it was difficult to establish rapport with the people I was meeting.  After investing in a camera, professional grade studio microphone, a professional physical space, and a wired internet connection, I was able to establish the same rapport with my clients as my physical meetings.  I think the key was that I was comfortable, especially since I didn’t have to hold a microphone.  On the software side of virtual meetings I highly recommend using Skype and  They are very simple systems that load very quickly.
A Lobby Full of Ideas: Developing a lobby allows you to add value to people that you have just met and also your current clients when you are not around. CAN’s lobby is composed of a set of standard emails that are well thought out with content specific to different types of people we meet in different circumstances.  For example we have a list of our favorite things that we send to people we have just met introduce them to a few of our favorite things, our products and our company.  The goal of our lobby is to enhance the CAN customer experience by introducing potential customer to CAN and our products so that we can spend our face-to-face time engaged in learning about our customers and not telling them about CAN.  CAN is currently working on a series of emails specifically for people we have just met, people interested in our 5 products, and clients of our 5 products.
Scale Conversations: You can use your blog to scale 1 to 1 by writing about frequent conversations that you have, and then inviting people you engage with to add their thoughts.  This moves your realtime face-to-face interactions to a non-time sensitive virtual interaction, and you can network your new connections with other people that are having a similar conversation.

The Steps to Implement Predictive Analytics

The following is the step-by-step process that CAN would use to implement predictive analytics into your business systems:

Step 1

We select from our catalog of intellectual property which mathematical formula or survey questions will be most effective to explain the activity being studied, and develops a list of potential dependent and independent variables.

Step 2

We will meet with individuals on your team to learn more about your business, employees, and customers. This meeting is intended to be a discussion to determine the independent variables that are most likely to be significant and their correlation to the dependent variables. To encourage discussion, before the meeting, participants will be given a list of proposed dependent and independent variables, a description of the hypothetical model, and how the results will be applied.
At the beginning of the meeting, the we will give a brief introduction of how the hypothetical model will be developed as well as an overview of the proposed dependent and independent variables. After the introduction, one member of our team will work to moderate the discussion and take notes. The outcome of the meeting with be a list of:

  • Important Historical Events: Understanding historical events help to identify outliers and their cause(s), such as errors in the data, changes in business paradigms, or significant events outside of the business.
  • Assumptions: No model can be perfect, and thus require a certain number of assumptions. Assumptions are non-conscious theories about how the world works. It is important to understand the assumptions so that results can be accurately produced and interpreted.
  • Dependent Variable: The Dependent variable represent the desired outcome that is being studied. The predicted dependent variable is explained by the mathematical mixing of the independent variables. The value of the dependent variable will change whenever the independent variables change, and that is why it is called the dependent variable.
  • Independent Variables: Independent Variables are variables that are hypothesized to have an impact on the dependent variable. When the independent variables change, the dependent variable changes as well.

Step 3

After the second step, the our team will collect the data for the dependent and independent variables from internal and external sources. CAN will work with your team to securely transfer the data from your internal sources. If the necessary data is not available CAN will develop a survey. Once the data has been collected it is loaded into the CAN database, cleansed, and connected to the modeling environment.

Step 4

Contemporary Analysis will study the data and present an overview to your team to ensure that we are correctly interpreting the data.

Step 5

The data will then be run through mathematical models to determine which variables have the most significant impact on the activity being studied. Models are selected based on statistical robustness, standard error, and how well they represent the data.

Step 6

A research report will be developed to provide information on the variables and why they were selected, the quality of the data, the quality of the model, and suggestions on how the research can be applied. The report is developed both as a comprehensive study and an executive summary to facilitate those who are non-specialists, but want to gain an understanding, and for those requiring a greater level of detail.

Step 7

CAN will meet with your team to present the results of the research, the report, and suggestions of how results can be implemented.  The CAN team will also work with the management team to break down results into specific and actionable tasks.
Please contact us to learn how we can help implement predictive analytics into your organization.

How to Structure a Survey

We rely on existing data when available, however sometimes we have to collect primary data using surveys. Over the years we have developed many surveys — including a bi-lingual survey to measure the employment and consumption preferences of Omaha’s first generation latino population. The following outlines the basics of our methodology for how to structure a survey:

  • Incentives: The best surveys use social incentives instead of monetary incentives. Using social incentives requires that surveys are designed to make it easy for people to feel the satisfaction of giving their opinions and helping people. This means that surveys should be short with provided answers that clearly and completely answer the survey questions.
  • Questions: Every question needs to designed to provide the most information for the least amount of effort from the participant. This requires that only essential “business questions” are researched, and that each response provides multiple dimensions of information.
  • Answers: The best surveys provide answers that are able to completely answer the survey questions, because respondents will lose motivation if they can not truly express themselves. This doesn’t mean that you create pages of possible answer, instead it should focus how the question is answered to limit the possible answers. The format of the answers should stay consistent as much as possible so respondents don’t have to re-read the questions, and instead can focus on understanding the question and answering appropriately.
  • Security: Surveys are valuable because they provide people a protected and ambiguous line of communication. When respondents feel safe they are able to provide information that they wouldn’t disclose in normal communication.

Please let us know if we can help your collect and analyze data for your organization.

Stop Persuading and Start Selling: How to Qualify Your Clients

Their are a lot of salespeople that are confused about their roles as salespeople.  Salespeople do not exist to persuade, manipulate or pressure us to purchase things that we don’t need.  Their job is to connect people to the resources (people, services, and products) that they need to do our jobs and enjoy their lives.
It is relatively easy to get people to sign on the line that is dotted, however it takes a true salesperson and a lot of work to get the right people to sign.  This requires that management holds salespeople responsible for the clients they sell, salespeople have to have a simple way to qualify prospects, and marketing to develop products people want.  This doesn’t mean that salespeople aren’t responsible to meet or exceed their quota each month, but that they need to fulfill their quote by closing people that have the need, willingness and resources to purchase.
If you qualify your clients to make sure they have the need, willingness and resources to purchase your products and services you will cultivate a loyal, profitable and active client base, have an appreciative operations team, and a more sustainable business.  The following are questions salespeople can use to make sure they are selling to the right prospects:

  1. Define the Problem and Solution: What problem does my prospect need to solve? What product or service (not necessarily mine) will be the best solution to my prospects problem?  If you can clearly define your prospects problem, and your product or service is the best solution then proceed with the sale.  If their is better solution that you don’t sell, provide them with an introduction to someone that can help them.  While you will forfeit the immediate sale you will help establish yourself as a trusted advisor, and the prospect and their connections will come to you first when they have a problem.  This will provide you with a steady stream of potential clients that will trust your advice when your product/service is the best solution to their problem.
  2. Priced to Deliver: Does my prospect have the resource to purchase my solution at a price I can afford to deliver an exceptional final product? While offering a discount might help you close the deal quicker, you never want to discount your price to a point where it becomes difficult to deliver an exceptional final product because you don’t have enough time, resources or you have to spend your time selling instead of producing.  In my experience people typically stop caring about the price once they have signed, and then they only care about the final deliverable, so it is essential to price your products or services so you can deliver an exceptional final product.
  3. Willingness to Close: Is my prospect willing to invest the required time to understand my solution, get the right people in the room, work to implement my solution, and make the necessary political and financial concessions?  Willingness goes beyond just acknowledging that they have a problem and you have the solution, and having them be willing to sign a contract.  Real willingness is a commitment to implement your solution and extract full value from your solution, and this requires willingness to promote your solution internally to get adoption, get the decision makers to buy in, and put financial and political capital on the line.


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