CAN Presenting at 1 Million Cups Omaha!

Next Wednesday our Business Development Officer, Justin Trowbridge, will be speaking at the Omaha Chapter of 1 Million Cups!

He will be covering our new solution Hemp Batch Tracker. Hemp is a growing industry (pun intended) and is estimated to be 20 Billion dollars by 2022. Our solution is at the forefront of looming regulation and compliance needs for commercial hemp production.

1 million cups
1 million cups

Stop by and check it out!

9/25 @ 8am

Enough with the teasing…show us Gilbert Gottfried!

Well if you made it to Wordcamp Omaha or Heartland Developers Conference you may have seen our Data Hierarchy Series presentation.

To help set the tone and to have a little fun, we hired Gilbert Gottfried to do what he does best…rant and rave. Using our extensive network of resources and hunting down lead after lead after lead to get to him we hired him to do our intro. (100% made up…it was super easy to hire him…and for WAY less than anyone here though it would be!)

Here is the video in its entirety:

Leave a comment below with how much you think it cost to hire him. The actual answer may surprise you!

Heartland Developers Conference 2019

Final Countdown to HDC 2019

You may be wondering why we’re so excited to go to this years Heartland Developer Conference? We’re excited to be in front of people who are generating the data we can do so much with. The better the data going into a process the better the results!

Developers are the tip of the spear when it comes to data collection. With the evolution of technology people the data begins online. A developer who understands how to structure a data set that is actionable is worth their weight in gold!

An Example: Imagine you’re a health care provider who emails you the bill. If you don’t collect the email address of the patient you’re missing the point.

Now imagine you’re a health care provider who is collecting not only the correct basic information but you’re also building a health profile for that same person. If you collect the right data you may be able to predict major health issues that could be prevented with a timely visit to your doctor.

“Mr. Johnson our data shows you may be at risk for XYZ in the next year. Can you come in for a quick visit to make sure we get a head of it?”

– The best doctor in the world

Data Hierarchy is the roadmap for success when it comes to working with data driven decisions. When you know the end goal you’ll be better equipped to make meaningful decisions along the way.

Sign up for our breakout session on Friday September 6th at 1pm below.

CAN HDC 2019 Teaser

If you know the people at CAN you know we have a sense of humor. We had a little surprise baked into our Data Hierarchy presentation. If you were at Word Camp Omaha you may have seen it already.

Below is a little teaser for those of you who didn’t see it already. We’re looking forward to seeing you at HDC 2019!

Click to learn more about HDC 2019

CAN at Word Camp Omaha 2019!

Teaser for the surprise we have in store!

August 24th at UNO Justin Trowbridge will be presenting Data Hierarchy to Word Camp Omaha. Justin will be leading off the Developer presentation series for the weekend.

You might be thinking “Why Word Camp? Isn’t that for web developers?”. You’re 100% right. The “tip of the spear” for data for the majority of companies is web based. The information that comes from a website, an app, or a software solution is what builds the foundation for data science work.

Developers tend to make really good data scientists. They understand programming languages and how to “fix” something that may not work the first time.

Lastly, when developers are bidding a job in direct competition they can charge a premium for a data component. So imagine being able to deliver even a basic level of data analysis as part of your deliverables.

Omaha Data Science Academy

Part of the discussion will be to connect developers to our Data Science Academy. Our Academy is the first step to allow a developer to enter the world of working with Data.

CAN at 1Million Cups Lincoln!

Justin presenting our Hemp Batch Tracking solution at 1 Million Cups in Lincoln

Yesterday our Business Development Officer, Justin Trowbridge, presented at 1 Million Cups in Lincoln. He covered our Hemp Batch Tracker solution and how it can benefit a growing industry. (pun intended)

Hemp Batch Tracker is a tracking solution, powered by CAN, that combines a robust platform, data structure, rapid reporting, and the flexibility to meet the needs of a changing environment.

Hemp Batch Tracker is also positioned to be the “middle ground” for the producers and the regulators in Hemp. The solution will offer a law enforcement portal to help identify highly regulated cannabis and largely de-regulated hemp. This will help reduce the strain on law enforcement as they police a new industry.

If you or someone you know is in the Hemp space and would like to talk to CAN about what we can do for them, please send them our way!

wordcamp omaha 2019

CAN presenting at Word Camp Omaha 2019!

Justin Trowbridge – Business Development Officer

Justin Trowbridge, our Business Development Officer, will be presenting Data Hierarchy at this years Word Camp Omaha.

We see this as an opportunity to help developers and companies start the road down data driven decisions. Developers are the tip of the spear when it comes to data collection. By exposing developers to the concepts of Data Hierarchy they can build stronger data sets for future use.

Going a step further web designers/developers tend to make great data scientists. With our Omaha Data Science Academy they have the ability to add to their core competencies. In a competitive field the difference is in what you can deliver.

A designer who can deliver a strong data minded solution and then execute the analysis is worth their weight in gold to a company just getting started with Data.

The conference is August 24th & 25th at UNO’s Mammel Hall. More information about Word Camp Omaha and ticket sales through the button below.

1 million cups

CAN presenting at 1Million Cups Lincoln 8/14/19

Hemp Batch Tracker

Contemporary Analysis has been working on our solution Inventory Batch Tracker for the bulk of 2019. During the marketing phase we realized there was an opportunity to (potentially) be the first to market with a Hemp/CBD specific tracking solution.

Over the course of the last few months we’ve had conversations with groups in Montana, California, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, Tennessee, and even the DEA about our Hemp solution. Our goal is to provide a solution that supports the producers, manufacturers, consumers, and law enforcement efforts around commercial Hemp.

Commercial hemp is forecast to be a 20 Billion dollar industry by 2024. The applications for hemp products are almost too numerous to count. We’re excited to hear overwhelmingly positive feedback from the groups so far.

justin trowbridge head shot
Justin Trowbridge
“in the wild”

Our Business Development Officer, Justin Trowbridge, will be presenting at 1Million Cups August 14th at the Foundry Coffee Shop in Lincoln.

To learn more about the solution, still in its development phase, contact us.

data hieararchy full stack

Data Hierarchy E-book

The Data Hierarchy series E-book is now available for download!

We hope you enjoyed learning about how to effectively work with data. We also hope you’re able to share it with someone to help you with your next big data project.

Of course, if you need help with getting the ball rolling with data we’re here to help! Contact Us today and we’ll be happy to help you with your data project.

To get your free copy of the E-book you’ll need to go here.


CAN at Heartland Developer Conference 2019!

Justin Trowbridge, Business Development Officer for CAN, will be speaking AIM’s Heartland Developer Conference. During the Friday breakout session he will be going over Data Hierarchy.

We launched the series on our Blog and have the E-Book available here. Data Hierarchy helps frame the bigger picture for people who don’t work with the data day to day. By helping the C-suite understand the bigger picture the support and expectations are in line with deliverables.

Companies who follow Data Hierarchy principles can do more with their data with less wasted effort. This increases the ROI and helps reinforce making data driven decisions.

In keeping with the mix of humor and high level concepts the breakout promises to be a great Friday afternoon session.

Friday September 6th – 1:15pm

Data Hierarchy – Breakout Sesson

Embassy Suites – LaVista

Featured Posts – Click the Brain
CAN Jewels