The Future is Now
There is something very strange about Contemporary Analysis. It’s not something that can be easily identified or quantified. People have often remarked on the fact that we are different even though they weren’t able to put their finger on what exactly made us different.
Perhaps you’ve noticed. On any given day, a person might wander into our offices and overhear a conversation about artificial intelligence, or a spirited debate over metabolic intelligence versus programmable intelligence. Often, the ideas that capture our attention haven’t yet entered into the imaginations of the public at large. Sometimes we tend to discuss the trends of the future as if they’ve already happened, and it’s these types of clues that have aroused suspicion. And so, we have decided to come clean and confess.
We are from the future.
We’ll forgive you if this claim is met with skepticism, after all, the first rule of time travel is that you just don’t talk about the future. But we’re not interested in following that rule, we want to talk about the future. There are a few things we think you should know.
We want you to know that in the future, things aren’t so bad. In most ways the future looks surprisingly similar to the present. The major difference is that “the new” is neither good nor bad. People will be creating all sorts of new things in the years to come, just like we always have. You do not need to be scared of “the new.” There will always be new ways of thinking, fueled by new ideas. There will be new problems but also new solutions.
At CAN we were raised in this bold, new world. It’s what we’ve always known. We grew up with computers, the internet and a plethora of digital interface devices at our fingertips. We navigate these new landscapes with relative ease and radical speed.
Predictive Analytics is the future. The future is now. How will you use it?